Happy Hour
We love a good cocktail!. Below is a collection of recipes inspired by the specialties of the places we visit. Cheers!
Bloody Mary: Charleston , South Carolina
Random Hole in the Wall pub, don’t recall the name unfortunately
There’s nothing like a delicious spicy bloody Mary on Sunday morning after a night of too many libations. We’ve had many tasty versions of this regret softening cocktail, but this one had a remarkable unique flavor that really made it memorable. And no, it wasn’t the ridiculous amount of garnish that made it distinct. (If I want a cheeseburger in my cocktail, I’ll order it separately , thanks!) The secret to this award winning Mary is not really a secret at all. It’s all in the Charleston mix which has won an award for top mix 9 years in a row. You can look up the ingredients yourself on the almighty google, but I think what makes the mix unique is the use of habanero mash in lieu of horseradish. Its definitely worth a try!
2 oz premium vodka
5 oz Charleston Bloody Mary mix ( I prefer bold and spicy)
Pour over ice and add a squeeze of lime
Garnish as desired ( don’t go crazy here!, simpler can be better)
Gully Wash :
Bimini, Bahamas
Big Mike’s Conch Stand
We tried our first gully wash ay Big mike’s conch stand immediately after checking into Bimini, Bahamas. Big Mike’s is a small roadside stand overlooking radio beach, which had some of the best BBQ we’ve had in a long time. We were told by another patron that we must try this island specialty drink. I wasn’t quite sold on this cocktail at first. I’m not really a gin drinker and i’m not a huge fan of condensed milk. But, we ordered a couple anyway because we are traveling so we can try new things, after all. This simple three ingredient cocktail turned out to be surprisingly delicious and refreshing. It’s now a common choice for sundowners aboard Acadian!
1 oz premium gin
1/2 sweetened condensed milk
2 oz coconut water ( plain, not flavored)
Sprinkle with cinnamon or nutmeg if desired
Chill or serve over ice
Grapefruit Crush: St. Micheals, Maryland
Carpenter Street Saloon
While cruising the northern U.S. East coast, every bar we frequented highlighted their grapefruit crush cocktail. After seeing it over and over again, we finally decided to try one at carpenter street saloon in St. Micheals, Maryland. It’s a simple recipe, but we were told the trick is to use the freshest fruit you can find. Many places also made them with oranges. It’s light and refreshing, plus fresh grapefruit is healthy, right? So you feel good about having a few!
1/2 cup fresh squeezed grapefruit or orange ( strain pulp)
1 oz premium vodka
1/2 oz triple sec
2 oz carbonated water or lemon/lime soda
Garnish with grapefruit slice
Serve over ice