Once your roux is the correct color add water to stop the cooking process, It’s going to steam but thats okay. Using a large Gumbo pot (15 to 20 quart stock pot) add olive oil to the pot and place on medium heat. Once the oil is hot add the sausage and chicken then brown on all sides. Once brown remove all meat from the dish chop sausage into small pieces and place it all aside. Add the large chopped white onion, garlic, bell pepper, habanero and jalapeños one at a time. let each sauté until soft before adding the next. this dish is all about layering each ingredient into the dish for a complex flavor. Next, add the chicken, sausage, chicken stock, fill remaining space with drinking water, add the roux, fresh parsley and celery. Allow the gumbo to heat up. Once at a boil reduce to a simmer and let it cook for 45 to 90mins, stir and taste occasionally you will know when it’s ready. Just before its done add the green onions. Serve over rice as a SOUP. you can also add boiled eggs, it’s really good with a potato salad as well. Bon Appetit