How it Started
Jerrod and I met in high school many, many sunsets ago. He was a senior and I was a sophomore. Fast Forward seven years, and we get married in 2005. I finished college and then grad school, ultimately receiving my degree in physical therapy. Jerrod in the meantime worked in industry and at the same time received his degree in electronics.
We worked in these fields 10+ ish years. At this point, we found ourselves pretty happy, but also looking for something more exciting than the 9-5, two car garage, must have the latest I-phone kind of life. So we started looking at possible places to move, specifically somewhere with blue water. We’re water people , and the water in Louisiana is a lovely chocolate brown color! After researching and exploring options we ultimately figured that this move would just be the same routine with a better view.
Fast forward again another couple of years, we were still living in Louisiana with the same jobs , but had begun to adapt a more minimalistic lifestyle. After swearing off television ( and the ridiculous bill that comes with it) , we would occasionally watch you tube videos for entertainment. When searching for spearfishing, we came across a couple of well known sailing channels ( this was before everybody and their momma had a sailing channel). We thought… WOW! ? This is a thing that people do? Live on boats? travel on them? Thats pretty freaking awesome! We were determined at this point to make this happen for us.
So we worked a couple of more years saving as much as possible, paying off all debt, and taking sailing lessons. We bought a small sailboat to learn on and practice in our local bay. We eventually found our liveaboard boat Acadian, sold our house, and quit our jobs ( well kind of quit our jobs- you can read more about that in another blog about how we afford to travel) . We’ve been living aboard and traveling a couple of years now, and we don’t have a single regret.